At Central Church of Christ we hold dear to the following core principles, they are foundational to how we teach and edify our congregation. The bible is the inerrant, infallible and inspired word of God. A Christian is someone who has heard and believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, repented of their sins, confessed the desire to make Him the Lord of their life, and has been baptized in water, of their own volition.
We believe in the weekly partaking of the Lord's Supper as a body. We affirm the biblical mandate of marriage. We believe God values all life.
Levaugh is 31 years old and from the island of Grenada, W.I. He has been a Christian for 20 years and a full-time Evangelist with the Marian Church of Christ for the past 10 years. He has been married for 10 years to Trinidad and Tobago-born Crystal Lewis, who has been a great asset to Levaughn and his ministry. They have a lovely daughter, Leveah, who is 22 months old.
It has always been a desire of his to work with a congregation because he loves and sees the importance of doing God's will.
He grew up in a Christian home with three brothers and one sister; two of his brothers are also Evangelists in the Lord's church. His parents Peter and Beverly Lewis have encouraged Levaughn and Crystal in the ministry.